

Sold April '13

Congratultions Susan!



Age:          10 Years (2003)

Height:                         16.1


Breed:   German Warmblood

Colour:                        Black



Raced:                           No 

















































































Sold April'13


RC/Amatuers Dressage Schoolmaster


Good rhythmic paces. Forward going, straightforward comfortable ride. Won and placed at unaffilliated competitions but ready to go out and win at BD. 

Working easy Elementary level, will progress through the levels as has very trainable temperament and attitude towards work.


Nice, easy horse to have in the yard. Calm, and non spooky at shows. 


Quite happy to stand alone on the lorry when another horse comes off.


Good box/shoe/catch


Hacks out quietly, good in traffic. Sad sale due to riders commitments. 


 "From Flying Past to Flying Change"